Western Rite
Orthodox Christians now have this Website which will save them hours of
searching the Internet for Western Rite and related sites and homepages.
For everyone who is not a Western Rite Orthodox Christian, using these links
will provide an excellent introduction to Western Orthodoxy and will also
provide you with plenty of leads in case you wish to enquire further into the
Church and what we believe. The Western Orthodox Church has been in existence
since the days of the Holy Apostles, teaching the same Christian Faith delivered
to them by Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, and by the Holy Apostles to all
of us. Come and See!
NOTE: Most of these sites do not have links back to
this page, so please take a moment NOW and BOOKMARK THIS PAGE.
Latin Vulgate. Click here to go to the Latin text of the Latin Vulgate Holy Bible.
Online Bibles. The links page at Catholic-Pages.com.
Latin Vulgate. Click here to go to the Gopher Menu for the Latin text of the Latin Vulgate Holy Bible.
Latin Vulgate Bible Search. Click here to go to the ARTFL Project: Latin Vulgate Bible Search Form.
The Latin Psalter. Click here to go to The Psalter - Jerome's (Latin) Vulgate.
The Douay-Rheims Bible Page. Click here to go to The Holy Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgate, diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other Editions in Diverse Languages. The Old Testament, first published by the English College at Douay, 1609 A.D., and the New Testament, first published by the English College at Rheims, 1582 A.D., with annotations, references, and an historical and chronological index, the whole revised and diligently compared with the Latin Vulgate by Bishop Richard Challoner, 1749-1752 A.D..
Rheims New Testament. Click here to go to the New Testament in English (Rheims 1582).
Douay-Rheims Bible. Click here to go to: Fast gaining recognition as THE Bible in English The Douay-Rheims Bible - Beautiful Leatherbound Gift Edition.
KJV. Click here to go to the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Please let the Webmaster know if you find any other sites on the Web related to the Latin Vulgate Bible, the Douay-Rheims Bible, or any other Biblical resources related to the Western Tradition.
Ante-Nicene Fathers. Click here to go to the Early Church Fathers - The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VII Apostolic Constitutions, etc..
Dom Fernand Cabrol. Click here to go to "The Mass of the Western Rites" by the Right Reverend Dom Fernand Cabrol, Abbot of Farnborough Abbey.
Ecclesiastical Calendar calculator. Click here to go to an excellent Ecclesiastical Calendar calculator, which includes the Church Calendar (Julian) and the New / Gregorian Calendar, plus the dates of Easter for many years.
Orthodox Church of France. Click here to go to The Holy Spirit-The Paraclete Western Orthodox Church - North American Deanery of the Orthodox Church of France [L'ECOF].
Celtic - Coptic. Click here to go to "A Historic Connection Between The Celtic Church (Ireland) and The Coptic Church (Alexandria)."
The Western Rite Vicariate Click here to see the Western Rite page of the Antiochian Patriarchate.
WesternOrthodox.com is a resource established for Western Orthodox members of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. It is very worthwhile studying this site.
The Unofficial Western Rite Orthodoxy Website is another resource for Western Orthodox Christians.
OCA Latin Orthodox Rite. Click here to go to the Orthodox Church of America (OCA) Latin Orthodox Rite [Holy Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate of America] website.
Father Gabriel's Orthodox Page. Click here to go to Father Gabriel's Orthodox Page - St. Andrew The First Called Orthodox Mission is a member of the Celtic Orthodox Christian Church in North America.
OCCA. Click here to go to the Orthodox Catholic Church of the Americas website.
Main Basilian Site. Click here to go to The Society of Clerks Secular of Saint Basil Main InterNet Communications Center.
Saint Columba's Orthodox Parish. Click here to go to Saint Columba's Orthodox Parish, Lafayette, CO; Western Rite Vicariate (The Rite of St. Tikhon), Antiochian Archdiocese.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Click here to go to the Online Catholic Encyclopedia. [NOTE: The Catholic Encyclopedia site will not let you return here by hitting your browser's BACK button; so, please bookmark this page.]
Liturgical Studies and Liturgical Music. Click here to go to Internet Theology Resources: Liturgical Studies and Liturgical Music.
Arguments Against and Opposition To the Western Rites: The "Western Rite": Is It Right for the Orthodox? by Father Michael Johnson.
Please let the Webmaster know if you find any other sites on the Web which would be of interest to Western Rite Orthodox people.
These are resources for purchasing traditional Roman Catholic items. Since there is no market presently for "Western Orthodox" books and materials, you will need to seek specialty items in the market for traditional Roman Catholics. Here are some resources for doing that online.
St. Andrew Daily Missal. A resource for purchasing Missals. The St. Andrew Daily Missal by Dom Gaspar Lefebvre. O.S.B.; Reprint of the 1945 edition. 1900+ pages. Complete with Vespers and the Kyriale; special section devoted to the Sacraments; in English with Latin along side; (price quoted is about $50.00 US).
St. Andrew and Fr. Lasance Latin/English Missals. Another resource for purchasing Missals.
Prayer Books/Missals. St. Stephen's Book Exchange - a resource for buying used missals and prayerbooks.
Books and Materials for Traditional Catholics. The Catholic Traditional Resources website.
Gothic Garments. A source for buying Western Rite religious Habit items.
The eBay Auction website. This online auction site is a continuous source of old Catholic missals and prayerbooks, as well as vestments, altar linens, altarware, etc. Go to the site and enter one of these search words/phrases: "missal", "Catholic book", "vestment", and "altar", to see the continually changing offerings. If you want to deal on eBay, take the time to learn its system, and of course you will need to register with eBay.
Please let the Webmaster know if you find any other sites on the Web providing online purchasing of items of interest to Western Rite Orthodox people.
Old Roman Rite - The Hippolytan Mass. (Our Missal is offline presently - 8/2000. In the meantime, here is the Hippolytan Eucharistic Prayer.) The Roman Orthodox Missal has the complete Divine Liturgy of Saint Hippolytus of Rome. The Ordinary presented there is based on the best resources: the description of Saint Justin of Rome, the Philosopher, Martyr - the First Apology, Chapters 65-67, and the primitive Roman Ordinary of Saint Hippolytus of Rome, Hieromartyr, in his The Apostolic Tradition. This Greco-Roman Rite is the most ancient and Orthodox Mass of the Roman Catacombs.
The Clementine Liturgy. Click here to go to the so-called Clementine Divine Liturgy - the most ancient of all Eastern Christian Liturgies; a fluid and universal rite of the first three centuries of the Church. The Ordinary presented here is based on the primitive Antiochene Ordinary called the Clementine Liturgy in Book VIII of The Apostolic Constitutions. It is consistent with the form of the primitive Jerusalem Liturgy of Saint James. This ritual tradition pre-dates the Latin Mass and the founding of Byzantium and so is a Liturgy which belongs to the entire Orthodox Church.
Please let the Webmaster know if you find any other ancient Apostolic Mass rites on the Web.
Gregorian Rite. Click here to go to the Gregorian Rite Missal - Holy Orthodox Church American Jurisdiction - For use in Parishes of the Western Rite.
Gregorian Chant -- The Gregorian Chant Home Page on the World Wide Web. Gregorian Chant Notation. Vatican Gregorian Chant Page. Solesmes Monastery - The Story of Gregorian Chant. Richard Lee's Chant Links. Gregorian Chant MIDI files
Please let the Webmaster know if you find any other Gregorian (5th-15th century) Mass rites on the Web.
Celtic Rite. Click here to go to The Liturgy and Diverse Services from the Lorrha ("Stowe") Missal.
Book of Kells. Click here to go to illustrations from the ancient Celtic "Book of Kells."
Book of Kells. Click here to go to another Book of Kells page.
Please let the Webmaster know if you find any other Celtic (Irish, Manx, Welsh, Scottish, Cornish, Breton) Mass rites on the Web.
The Old Gallican Mass. Click here to go to the Ancient Gallican Divine Liturgy of Saint John Cassian. The Ordinary of our present day ritual is based on the ancient Mass of Lerins Monastery in Gaul, the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Cassian. That most ancient Gallican Liturgy was strongly influenced by the rites of the Church in Egypt and the other Eastern Churches. It also has a number of strong parallels with the ancient Greco-Roman Rite Mass.
The Gallican Divine Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy According to Saint Germanus of Paris; the use of the Orthodox Church of France [L'ECOF].
St. Petroc Orthodox Monastery. St. Petroc Monastery is in Tasmania, within the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Diocese of Australia and New Zealand.
Please let the Webmaster know if you find any other Gallican Mass rites on the Web.
Salisbury (Sarum) Rite main page. Sarum Rite. Click here to go to The Holy Eucharist according to the use of The Orthodox Apostolic Church Ceremony of Salisbury for celebration in parishes of the Western Rite. Published by the Holy Comforter Orthodox Church in Houston, Texas.
Western Rite Liturgy Page. Click here to go to the Western Rite Liturgy Page - Gregorian, Salisbury, Celtic.
Origines Liturgicę. Origines Liturgicę, or Antiquities of the English Ritual, and A Dissertation on Primitive Liturgies, by William Palmer of Worcester College Oxford, 3rd Edition 1839.
Please let the Webmaster know if you find any other Orthodox Anglo-Saxon ("British") Mass rites on the Web.
The Overbeck Latin Mass Rite. Click here to go to the Ordo Missae Orthodoxo-Catholicae Occidentalis - The Dr. Joseph Overbeck Latin Mass.
Please let the Webmaster know if you find any other Orthodox Franco-Roman ("Tridentine") Mass rites on the Web.
1962 edition of the Tridentine Ordinary. Click here to go to the 1962 edition of the Tridentine Ordinary of the Mass (1962), Latin, with an English Translation of the Missale Romanum.
Una Voce. The Una Voce traditional Roman Catholic mega-site.
Roman Catholic Vestments. This page deals with the vesture of the Roman Catholic clergy. Includes additional links.
The Best Catholic Links.We will let this webpage speak for itself: "This is in no way intended to be an extensive or complete list of Catholic resources on the Internet. Rather, it is a list of the absolute best orthodox Catholic sites in the world."
The Liturgy of the Mass. Click here to go to the Online Catholic Encyclopedia The Liturgy of the Mass. [NOTE: The Catholic Encyclopedia site will not let you return here by hitting your browser's BACK button; so, please bookmark this page.]
Old Catholic Mass -
I. Click here to go to Section 1 - The Ordinary of the Mass according to the
English Missal (Missale Anglicanum) and the Missale Romanum (Latin Missal) of
Pius V, having ecclesiastical approbation throughout the Old Catholic Church of
Catholic Mass - II. Click here to go to Section 2 - The Canon of the Mass
according to the English Missal (Missale Anglicanum) and the Missale Romanum
(Latin Missal) of Pius V, having ecclesiastical approbation throughout the Old
Catholic Church of America.
Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostomos. Click here to go to The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostomos, the primary Eastern Rite.
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. Click here to go to St. Anne's Byzantine Catholic Church - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.
The Priest's Service Book. Click here to go to an Eastern Rite Service Book at the Orthodox Community of St. Aidan, Manchester, UK, website.
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