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"We render thanks to Thee, O God, through Thy well beloved Son Jesus Christ, that in these last days Thou hast sent Him as Savior and Redeemer and Angel (messenger) of Thy will, Who is Thine inseparable Word, by Whom Thou hast made all things, and in Whom Thou art well pleased; Thou hast sent Him from Heaven into the Virgin's womb, where He became Incarnate and manifested Himself as Thy Son, born of the Holy Ghost and of The Virgin; then, accomplishing Thy Will and conquering a new and holy race, He stretched out His Hands in His Passion in order that He might deliver from suffering those who have believed in Thee; and at the moment when He delivered Himself voluntarily to His Passion, in order to destroy Death, to break the devil's chains, to spurn hell under His Feet, to enlighten the just, to fix a term, to show forth the Resurrection, taking the bread and giving thanks He said: Take, eat: This is My Body which shall be mangled for you. Likewise the cup, saying, This is My Blood which is shed for you: when you do this you do it in memory of Me. Remembering then His Death and Resurrection we offer Thee this bread and this chalice, thanking Thee because Thou hast deigned to permit us to appear before Thee and to serve Thee. And we pray Thee to send Thy Holy Spirit upon the oblation of the Holy Church, and uniting them as one, that Thou wilt give to all the Saints who participate (in the Sacrifice) to be filled with the Holy Ghost and fortified in the truth of the Faith, so that we may praise Thee and glorify Thee by Thy Child Jesus Christ, by Whom to Thee is glory and honor, to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in Your holy Church, now and for all ages. Amen."
It is truly meet and just, right and available to salvation, that we should always, and in all places, render thanks unto Thee, O God, through Thy Beloved Child, Jesus Christ, Whom, in the last times, Thou didst send to us to be a Saviour and Redeemer and the Angel of Thy will; Who is Thy Word, inseparable from Thee; through Whom Thou madest all things and in Whom Thou wast well-pleased; Whom Thou didst send from heaven into the Virgin's womb and Who, conceived within her, was made flesh and demonstrated to be Thy Son, being born of the Holy Spirit and a Virgin; Who, fulfilling Thy will and preparing for Thee a holy people, stretched forth His hands for suffering that He might release from sufferings those who have believed in Thee. Glory be to Thee, O holy Lord, Father Almighty, eternal God; through Christ our Lord. Through Whom the Angels praise Thy majesty, the Dominions adore it; the Powers tremble before it; the heavens, and the heavenly Virtues, and blessed Seraphim, with common jubilee glorify it. Together with whom we beseech Thee that we may be admitted to join our humble voices, saying :
Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias tibi referimus, Deus, per dilectum puerum tuum Iesuem Christem quem in ultimis temporibus misisti nobis salvatorem et redemptorem et angelum voluntatis tuae: qui est verbum tuum inseparabilem per quem omnia fecisti et bene placitum tibi fuit; misisti de caelo in matricem virginis et qui in utero habitus incarnatus est et filius tibi ostensus est, ex Spiritu Sancto et virgine natus; qui voluntatem tuam conplens et populum sanctum tibi adquirens, extendis manus cum pateretur ut a passione liberaret eos qui in te crediderunt. Gloria tibi, Domine sancte Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus; per Christum Dominum nostrum: Per Quem majestatem Tuam laudant Angeli, adorant Dominationes; tremunt Potestates; caeli, et caelorumque Virtutes, ac beata Seraphim, socia exsultatione concelebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti jubeas deprecamur, supplici confessione dicentes: