Roman Orthodox Benedictine Congregation





Western Rite


Holy Synod

Prayer Requests

Orthodox Links

at Saint Seraphim Web Chapel.

This is the place to ask for prayer for anyone
who needs healing, consolation, or any need.

The faithful as well as the holy clergy and religious
come to this page and pray for those listed here.

May Christ, our Savior and Physician, heal us all. Amen.

Prayer Requests - August 2000

Michael, beloved son fighting the wildfires in the western USA, for protection - Tom.

Metr. David, for healing of pneumonia.

+Judy - A friend and colleague who died suddenly and tragically.
Please pray for repose of her soul and for comfort & healing for her family and
children. Please pray for all victims of domestic violence. - Fr. Andrew.

Victor, for healing.

+Mary, for repose in Christ.

Ruth, for healing from surgery.

118 sailors trapped in a sunken submarine, for the repose of their souls.

Fr. Dmitri, for healing after surgery.

Abp. Yuri, for healing from surgery.

Metr. Michael, for healing from surgery and that no more will be needed.

For Samir, who is facing heart surgery. - Fr.Dmitri.

For Abp. Joseph IV for healing. - Abp. Paul II.

Abbot Martin for safe surgery and healing therefrom.

For Abbot-Bishop Maelruain for safe surgery and healing therefrom.

Rosalie, for physical healing from an operation & from spinal problems.

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women,  and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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Prayer Requests - July 2000

Francis Dorothy - recuperation from cardiac surgery.

Arold - recovery from stroke.

New Priests, Fathers Joel, Pablo and Frank, for a Spirit-filled ministry.

Ruth - having a bout with the flu. - Abp. Patrick

Edie - whose emphysema is getting worse. - Abp. Patrick.

+Paul, beloved father - for sweet repose in Christ - Leslie.

Danny, beloved son - for healing of troubles - Tom.

For Angel - she is 4 years old, and is suffering from a
ruptured spleen and a fractured hip resulting from being
struck by a car. Her mother is 9 months pregnant, and is also
in need of prayer due to the stressful situation. - Fr. Joel.

For new cleric, Brother Timothy, for guidance and strength.

+Virginia, beloved Great Aunt - please pray for the repose of her soul.
May it please God to grant her rest and repose
in a place where there is no sorrow, pain or grief. - Metr. David.

For peace and consolation for Metr. David and all
of Virginia's family and loved ones.

For Amy, my cousin, 24 years of age and dying of cancer. - Joan.

This Web Chapel is a ministry of the Benedictines.

If you would like to send us a prayer request, please email us (use the link below) and include your name, the name of the person for whom prayer is requested, and, optionally, a brief description of the need for prayer.
You need only include a person's first name - God knows perfectly well who it is for whom you are praying.

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